BMW i3s 120 Ah, 183hp, 2022
Trim packages:
Comfort Advanced
239,400 SEK
When buying from a company
250,800 SEK
When buying from an individual
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The valuation refers to a recommended classified price for cars in normal condition.
Estimated valuation in 60 days
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When buying from a company
When buying from an individual
Classifieds history for vehicles of the same model:
Company selling
Individuals selling
Typical sales time
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When buying from a company
When buying from a company
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Similar cars for sale
Approximate prices based on relevant classifieds.
Seller | For sale | Price |
Company | 28 | 224,700 - 359,900 SEK |
Individual | 0 | - |
Historical price estimate
Invert the mileage graph
Company selling
Individuals selling
Mileage (km)
Classifieds from companies
Prices noted by ( * ) are adjusted due to different engine/transmission.
Classifieds from individuals
Prices noted by ( * ) are adjusted due to different engine/transmission.
Sales time - Average
Cars of this model are sold on average at 13 days (companies) and 15 days (individuals). The number of days refers to successful classifieds.
Company | Individual | |||
Average days / colour | days | quantity | days | quantity |
Black | 11 | 534 | 18 | 15 |
Blue | 12 | 438 | 24 | 5 |
Brown | 10 | 60 | 20 | 3 |
Grey | 13 | 343 | 8 | 6 |
Multicolour | 20 | 8 | ||
Red | 11 | 33 | 9 | 2 |
Silver | 7 | 91 | 32 | 1 |
White | 18 | 486 | 15 | 13 |
Company | Individual | |||
Average days / trim packages | days | quantity | days | quantity |
Comfort Advanced | 13 | 1939 | 16 | 41 |
Luxury Line | 4 | 4 | ||
RoadStyle Edition | 12 | 23 | 9 | 1 |
Sport line | 7 | 5 |
Historical sales time (company sold cars) also has a standalone valuation tool for those who want more control over the valuation process. This tool also gives you access to a lot of extra data that is not public. also offers data in an API version to integrate into your own systems. More information can be found here.
Although we try to show the most accurate valuation on the vehicle, this cannot be guaranteed. If you find an error, we are very grateful if this is reported to us.