Subaru Impreza WRX 2.0 4WD Manual, 225hp, 2005

Trim packages: -
Not enough data to make a valuation when buying from a company
Not enough data to make a valuation when buying from an individual
The valuation refers to a recommended classified price for cars in normal condition.
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Valuation of NF13797:
When buying from a company
When buying from an individual
Classifieds history for vehicles of the same model:
Company selling
Individuals selling

Valuation in other countries (export calculations)

SwedenCompany (Sweden)
xxxxx SEK
xxxxx NOK
When buying from a company
FinlandCompany (Finland)
xxxxx EUR
xxxxx NOK
When buying from a company
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Similar cars for sale

Approximate prices based on relevant classifieds.

SellerFor salePrice
Individual 2 150,845 NOK

Historical price estimate

Company selling
Individuals selling

Sales time - Average

Cars of this model are sold on average at 16 days (companies). The number of days refers to successful classifieds.
Average days / colourdaysquantitydaysquantity
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