The vehicle is imported.
The vehicle has been repaired through an insurance company.
BMW 640i Coupé Steptronic, 320hp, 2012
The individual sale price has been partly based on company classifieds where 93.7% of the value has been included which is typical for BMW from this model year.
Valuation in other countries (export calculations)
Similar cars for sale
Approximate prices based on relevant classifieds.
Seller | For sale | Price |
Company | 1 | 359,000 NOK |
Individual | 0 | - |
Historical price estimate
Classifieds from companies
Classifieds from individuals
Sales time - Average
Company | Individual | |||
Average days / colour | days | quantity | days | quantity |
Black | 55 | 1 | 60 | 1 |
Red | 2 | 1 | ||
Silver | 13 | 1 | 23 | 1 |
Company | Individual | |||
Average days / trim packages | days | quantity | days | quantity |
M Sport | 55 | 1 | 60 | 1 |
Historical sales time (company sold cars) also has a standalone valuation tool for those who want more control over the valuation process. This tool also gives you access to a lot of extra data that is not public. also offers data in an API version to integrate into your own systems. More information can be found here.
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