Chevrolet5.7 V8, 305ps Petrol
Model year
1969 -
Number of Doors
2 - 5
Number of Seats
2 - 5
Registered in Norway
Current classifieds
Average price of current classifieds
Engine Specifications
Engine Configuration
5.7 V8
224 kW (305 hp)
Explanation: Number of registered vehicles in Norway Vehicles for sale Average price of current classifieds (NOK)
User images
Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu Sport Coupé 5.7 V8 Hydra-Matic, 305hp, 1969
Spotted by
Eddie Johansson 2024-11-07
Chevrolet5.7 V8, 305ps in Norway
There are no registered Chevrolet5.7 V8, 305ps in Norway.