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You who use Car.info in your profession or in your business must, according to our terms of use, have a commercial license. Accounts are personal and may not be shared between two or more people.

As a professional user, you can use Car.info with an unlimited number of searches per hour, without so-called coffee breaks.

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Internal comments|Vehicle info|Additional warnings|Damage reports|Future valuation|Valuation in other countries|Historical sales time

Internal comments

At the top of each vehicle-related page, you can save comments about vehicles that are then displayed internally both to you and your colleagues.
Make sure that you always give synchronized answers to your customers by saving info about the current mileage, estimated entry and exit price and a possible comment. Quick and easy!
Internal comments

Vehicle info

On each vehicle page, information is displayed about when you last looked at the vehicle yourself, as well as a lot of extra information compiled via blue buttons. Most of the buttons can then be clicked to bring up more detailed information, lists etc.
You viewed this vehicle 2025-02-21. You also viewed this vehicle earlier today.
Colleagues who viewed this vehicle
Karl Karlsson 2025-02-21
Erik Eriksson 2025-02-21
Anders Andersson 2025-02-20
Per Persson 2025-02-19
You viewed this vehicle 2025-02-21. You also viewed this vehicle earlier today. View search history
Visitor trend (ABC123)All visitorsCar dealerships
Today Low interest Low interest
Last week Great interest Great interest
Great interest Some interest Some interest
Typical sales time
Volvo XC60 2nd Generation Facelift B4 AWD 9 (8) days
Volvo 17 (14) days
All brands 20 (15) days
Advertising days: Average number of days the classified is out before the vehicle is sold. Any numbers in parentheses show average number of days between last price change and sale.
Short sales time compared to vehicles of the same brand.
Top list: Sales time
Volvo XC60 2nd Generation Facelift B4 AWD
# 1 Demo Company #1 1 1 day
# 2 Demo Company #2 1 5 days
# 3 Demo Company #3 1 7 days
# 4 Demo Company #4 1 9 days
# 5 Demo Company #5 1 9 days
Calculated for the last six months
Number of vehicles Advertising days: Average number of days the classified is out before the vehicle is sold. Any numbers in parentheses show average number of days between last price change and sale.
  • Visiting history of your colleagues
    Info about how many of your colleagues, at your company, looked at the vehicle in the last year. Click for a detailed list of all colleagues' recent visits.
  • Vehicle visitor trend
    Interest in the vehicle right now. Click for visitor trends today, the last week and the last month for all visitors and for car dealers.
  • Typical sales time
    Average number of days the classified is out before the vehicle is sold. Any numbers in parentheses show average number of days between last price change and sale. Click for comparison with vehicles of the same brand and all brands.
  • Top list
    Top list of car dealer sales of vehicles of the same model in the last three months. Sort by number sold or sale time.

Additional warnings

Sometimes it happens that the price on a classified is increased in connection with sale/removal. If this has happened, you as a professional user can see the information on the vehicle's classified page, vehicle page and valuation page.
PRO: An earlier classified was raised with 35 000 SEK 2023-10-06 right before the classified was removed.

Damage reports

All our commercial users have access to our new enhanced reports related to injuries, accidents, thefts and/or abnormal conditions.
Extended info for commercial users
View report
These pages display, for example, extended damage reports, scrap material and images from advertisements where the car is advertised in abnormal condition, scrap investigations, insurance investigations and information on whether the vehicle is or has been wanted.
Damage reports

Future valuation

Each vehicle's valuation page shows both valution data for purchases from companies and for purchases from private individuals, as well as estimated accuracy for each valuation.
As a professional user, you also have access to our future assessment based on:
  • Days ahead in time (20-120)
  • Mileage today / mileage difference in km
  • Decrease in value per km in NOK
You can change the parameters for the calculation yourself to get the value that is most relevant to you.
617,223 NOK
When buying from a company
637,200 NOK
When buying from an individual

Estimated accuracy:
High precision in valuation
Average precision in valuation
The valuation refers to a recommended classified price for cars in normal condition.
Estimated valuation in 60 days / 3800 km
616,235 (-988) NOK
636,326 (-874) NOK

Valuation in other countries

You also get a quick and handy overview of what the car is worth on the Swedish and Finnish market right now, both in Euro and Swedish krona.
In connection with this, an export calculation for the various countries is also presented, which contains overhead costs in connection with export, for example car tax and any scrap deposit and VAT.
SwedenCompany (Sweden)
668,860 SEK
654,256 NOK
When buying from a company
Valuation654,256 NOK
Customs-12,345 NOK
VAT-123,456 NOK
Other costs-1,234 NOK
Tax refund12,345 NOK
FinlandCompany (Finland)
54,191 EUR
654,256 NOK
When buying from a company
Valuation654,256 NOK
Customs-12,345 NOK
VAT-123,456 NOK
Tax refund12,345 NOK

Historical sales time

At the bottom of the valuation page, you will find a graph with data on historical sales time for cars with the same engine and gearbox, compared to cars in general.
Similar cars with the same engine and gearbox
All cars